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as a custom electrical engineering and controls provider we pride  Ourselves on designs that provide a simple, yet electrically efficient, grain handling/monitoring system that is supported by our intelligent controls with automation and interfaces.


We offer a complete electrical design starting with your local power company all the way down to the control of any Grain Handling or Storage site. Our controls solution can begin with Scales and carries through to the unloading system, as well as any grain legs and interfacing with any dryer. We can provide a full automated package leaving you more time to harvest and not baby sitting grain bins. We match your system to your needs. We also offer multiple ways to monitor and control the system whether that be smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Additionally, we can include our own complete Grain Bin Monitoring System, the GrainGuard360. Its a Modular system that can be installed on older systems as a stand alone, or incorporated with a new install.

We have partnered with several Electrical Installers to help provide an install solution as well.


We work the customer to establish exactly what they want to get out of the system. Everything from simple architecture to full control systems with our GrainGuard360 system with databasing with internet extending


We build everything in house. Panels, Programs, & Displays. It is a full engineering package of easy to read drawings, as well as straight forward, easy to navigate interfaces. Everything comes with a full manual outlining operations in cluding the remote Accesses and databases.


We strive for fast, efficient start ups because we realize these facilities need to be operating as quickly as possible for return on investment. We thoroughly test all equipment, once complete, we start training with customer, making sure they are comfortable with the system and feel good about their investment. Striving to outperform expectations.    

Previous Work


13735 County Line Road       

 Eudora KS 66025


